This Week at UBC
Updated every Monday
This Week at UBC
Hello Friends:
The end of August is upon us. Already students are moving into Dinkytown and gearing up for a new year of academics and experience. We welcome them with open arms. On Sunday, we’ll welcome students to take respite under the tent on the church lawn. We’ll offer them some church information. Luckily, we have lots of UBC swag leftover from the Pride Festival. We chose not to set up said tent on Sunday when it was just too hot. So, we’ll set it up on Thursday morning. 10am is the time to gather and help us out. Maybe even some of the gardeners will want to help.
This Friday we will be serving meals at Loaves and Fishes. The location is 1816 Portland Ave. S., Minneapolis 55404. Parking is available on Portland Ave. or in the small lot on the alley west of the building. We’ll need about four people for food prep between 2-5 p.m., about six people for packing to-go containers from 4:30-6 p.m., and a couple people to help with clean-up until about 7 p.m. Let Steve Lee know if you can help at or 612-844-8194 or 763-645-9499.
On Sunday morning, my sermon is entitled, “The Good News”. The scripture reading is Luke 8:1-3, where Jesus encounters many more followers who are hungry for the Good News that he’s offering. What Good News do you seek? What Good News can you share? Howard Johnson will be the worship leader and we’ll celebrate communion. Since many people will be moving into the neighborhood on this 1st day of September, allow yourself a bit more time to get to UBC. The good news is that the intersection of 13th Avenue and 4th Street is now open.
If you get to the fair this week, have a great time and stay hydrated.
Blessings and Peace,
Doug Donley
This week's schedule:
Tuesday—7pm Memoirs Group
Thursday—9am Garden Team, 10am tent setup
Thursday—6pm Bell Choir get together at the home of Jean Lubke
Friday—2-7pm loaves and Fishes
Sunday—10am Service at UBC
11am (or so) Joys and Concerns—not live-streamed but on Zoom
Meeting ID 839 4725 7444 passcode 257750
Sunday Worship
Worship in the sanctuary or via livestream on the UBC YouTube page.